Thursday, September 23, 2010


We took a trip all the way to Orlando in August to meet our friends Jamie, Eric and their super cute just my size son, Ethan. It was a loooong plane ride but I was very good, if I do say so myself. 'Caillou' kept me company along with the wonderful parent sanity saver the laptop computer with DVD player. I only threw cars at the people behind us twice.

We stayed at a house with our own perfect sized pool. The only way to beat the August heat in Florida.
We spent our Disney Day at the Polynesian Resort. We had breakfast with Mickey, Lilo, Stitch, Pluto and many others. The characters were a bit bigger than we expected them to be...but after a slight adjustment period we were all great friends.

Then we spent they day as true our diapers on the beach!
And we toured around Disney marketplace, exploring Lego Land, Rainforest Cafe, riding the rides and even a carousel.
We had such a great time! I can't wait to hang out with Ethan again....maybe someplace alittle cooler!

The Zoo!

My first trip to the zoo. We went to the Portland Zoo with my friends Brandon and Mike. I loved riding on the lion (statue). And of course the animal that I thought was simply the best and most fascinating... the pigeons!